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Copyright/Patent/IP Agreement

Copyright licence agreement

If you want to give your copyrighted material to another person or company for any period or always or if you want to use another person’s or company’s copyrighted material then you need to make the copyright licence agreement. It should mention the date of giving the right , upto what period the right is given, the name and address of both the parties, the details of what right is given etc.

This is only the right given by the owner of the material to use the copyrighted material by the other party. Hence it is not completely transferring the copyrights to another person. The owner usually charges a royalty amount for the licence given.  So make your copyright licence agreement before giving the rights to another person.


Copyright Assignment

Assigning one’s copyright means complete transfer of the right to another person. Here the owner of the material transfers his copyrights on the material to another person by which the other person can sell, distribute or copy the material. This is applicable to any kind of copyrighted material like content, movies, songs, image or any source code etc.The agreement should contain the name and details of the owner and the other party, the date of assigning, the material that is assigned, the payment etc The owner usually charges an amount for the rights assigned.


Intellectual Property Sale Agreement

Intellectual property rights or the patent rights are with the owner or creator of that patent. But when the owner of the patent wants to sell the patent created by him for an amount then it is known as assignment. Assignment should be in writing in the form of an agreement known as Assignment agreement or Intellectual property sale agreement. The agreement should mention the patent assigned, the value to be paid by the buyer, name and details of the buyer etc. It has to be signed by the owner and thereby the owner loses his rights on the patent. The buyer can use and exploit the patent for his own use. Hence, if you are the owner of any such patent or Intellectual properties and desire to sell it or if you are the buyer of any such patent or if you are doing research and need the patent for your research, then you can make this agreement.