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Search Results for: Offers

Search Results for: "Offers "

Information Security Policy

INFORMATION SECURITY MANUAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES Copy: 1 Issue No.: A System Effective Date: 18th April, 2017 Scope: document drafts, legal services, citizen services, e-stamp services, business and license...

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Hire-Purchase Agreement

In an increasingly consumerised world, customers are wooed by sellers in scores of innovative ways, for instance by offering discounts, EMI and other facilities for credit to name a...

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Vendor Agreement And Its Uses

Any business needs help to kick off and run successfully. Whether it is to do with getting cloud services, design services, host services, vendor procurement etc, agreements are required...

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Service Agreements

Service industry forms the tertiary sector among the four economic sectors. The others being (i) Primary sector which includes agriculture, fishing, mining etc; (ii) Secondary sector which includes manufacturing,...

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Sub-Contractor Agreement

Subcontractors undertake tasks from a contractor, tasks which the contractor cannot perform due to some reasons, but which he is responsible for. The inducement of hiring subcontractors is to...

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Quick Rental Agreement

Rental agreements are documents signed between a tenant and a landlord agreeing upon certain terms and conditions acceptable to both parties. Getting involved in a rental transaction without an...

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Rental Agreement For A Flat

Apartments! The man made marvel that allows thousands of families to live one wall apart in harmony (sometimes not so harmoniously). The last few years saw potential tenants show...

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Rental Agreement For Office

After you’ve picked the place you want to put up your office in, the next step would be to prepare a contract/lease for occupying the property. You should pay...

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What Are The Benefits Of eKYC?

What Is eKYC? eKYC or Electronic Know Your Customer is the electronic process of filing documents that relate to a customer’s identification and enables an entity to know the customer....

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Why Do Startups Fail?

Whether you’re a spectator, or actively involved in a startup, you have to know about Failure. What it means, why it happens, what happens before or after and if...

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